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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Letting go of the shiny coin

In the words of the ever-so-eloquent Mathew Leforrest Ray, also know as, Mattyray, "sometimes you gotta let go, let go, to hold on..." And it is in this obvious contradiction that i find the most humbling and comforting truth. You see we are at times like a raccoon, ever washing ourselves and our food; scavenging here and there to satisfy the desire in the pit of our belly. However there are times when, in the pursuit of this satisfaction, something other worldly catches our eye. A shiny coin or object sitting in the bottom of a jar that we can barley fit our hand into. And here, our hearts jump in elation as our eyes glaze over with lust for said objects; we reach deep into that jar and grasp that coin-cool and hard-and with fist clenched tight, we attempt to pull it close to our chest. Eyes wide with adrenaline and excitement we pull: and pull and pull. Now, our hearts sink into the muck of lowliest part of our emotional dissatisfaction as our hand-currently to large to pull out of the jar-clanks against the rim again and again and again. It is here are minds enter into a frantic state, we here footsteps that are not there, see movement that fades away as quickly as they came. While we still pull unwilling to let go of the coin in the jar. We know the coin is not useful-being a raccoon of course-we cannot buy or sell with it, cannot eat it, or mold it. What is it good for then. Nothing except to satisfy our lust for the shine it contains. Up to this point our lives have been simple, sleep, eat wash, live in peace and contentment, but now, these lives are filled with fear, anger and confusion. Here, at this precise point a whisper enters our mind. "let go..." NO! we can not let go the coin is to shiney to beautiful to, to, to perfect. "just let go..." Why! why should we let go? We can get the coin out just keep pulling harder and harder until something happens. "just let go...let go to hold on..." What! that makes no sense, there is no logic in letting go, we have the coin we just have to keep holding on! "sometimes you gotta let go, let go to hold on." Thoughts running rampant, we see we are losing our gripp on our peace, our joy and our life; so we let go. We let go of the shiny coin; our hand sliding out free as the echo of the metal clangs against the jar. Freedom, all because we let go...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Swing, the new rain-dance

The day started slow and groggy. Sunday, my chosen sabbath, The day i break from cooperate prayer sets and just chill and love Jesus; drinking orange juice under trees made of mud-red bricks: concrete roots where I rest my feet. Seeking rest and solace in the warm asphalt, i walk outside. The clouds in the sky rolling in, darkly they grumbled about the weight they carried. To my left the i hear sounds that make my feet swing in motions i have never seen. The music catches the others outside and the rain-dance begin with the soft harmonies of swing...

Friday, June 22, 2007

The want and the order

I walked out to feel the cool wind blowing across my sweat laden face. the day was hot, but now as the sun was retiring to his bed it had grown peaceful, the cicadas stopped their song, and the birds their games. Now there was silence and stillness, except for the wind wiping my brow. The day was good; like salt to a bland routine. I stood there in silence as i listened to my heart. It was reeling to and fro, angry that i have to leave, happy that i am going, torn from the life it has now come to accept and want. My mind was calm, repeating the order again and again. We must go to HONG KONG. We must go, we must go...It's hard though when your always going alone; no stepping stones leading here or there, only a faint whisper deep in your soul that said "go." But my mind resolute, overcame my heart, and my heart knowing the order was good submitted, uttering his last words of caution and grief. The wind pushed me, so i followed his leading down the broken sidewalk, reminding me more of my broken heart. As soon as i saw it, the big red sign at the end of the street, it was like a luminous sign from God saying "STOP". So i stopped. I gazed further back as i saw glimmers of light in the field beyond the street. I laughed, The lights were fireflies. And that is when it hit me; God was taking me to the edge, pushing, pushing, pushing harder than i have ever felt; "move, march, contend for it," He said. And as i reached the end of the street in the natural to see the twilight come alive with bright flickers of hope. God was pushing me away from everything because there is something he wants me to see. I know now that there is lights dancing upon the breath of darkness as if it were a platform for them; scarring Its tongue with each flicker of beauty. I have to go to Hong Kong. I have to see the lights dancing in the fields of emptiness there. I just know there is something in those lights, something that will change me and everyone around me...

I'm not leaving for another year, i have to go to school for a year in the states first.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

A little message from Levi,

A little message from Levi,

Dear friends,

The past nine months have been an amazing journey for me in my walk with God. Thanks to your support and prayers, (especially mama Lorraine, and my mom, Michelle) I have had the opportunity to travel the country speaking on the love of God and the necessity of living a lifestyle of prayer and fasting. I have taken a deep plunge into the heart of God. Learning what it means to be an intercessor. Learning what it means to be Christ-like.

This summer, June 20th through July 22nd I will be traveling on the red-rider tour, also known as the summer of love tour. ( This is my very last road trip and it will last several weeks. At the end of such I will be returning home to Orlando.

My purpose for this letter is to kindly ask for your support, while at “the cause” base in fort-mill, I have been on a working scholarship of sorts in order to pay my rent. But as I will be traveling on the tour this will no longer be possible. This being why I am writing the current letter. I need to raise support in order to go on the tour. Aside from monetary donations, I am in deep need of many to partner with me in prayer during this time. If you would like to partner with me in prayer or financially please notify me as soon as possible, through phone or email, 407 761 7401,

If writing checks please make them out to “Living Waters Church” and DO NOT put anything on the line denoted “for,” on the bottom left hand corner of the check simply include a note with my name on it with the check. You may give checks to the church directly or to my mother (Michelle Ferguson-4077617404) who will take care of everything for you.

If you would like to give by credit card, please visit my web page @, Click on the pay pal button on the right hand side and follow the instructions from there.

Thank you all for your support, prayers, and time

Taking His love to the broken,

Levi D. Ferguson