Twitter / levidavid

Friday, April 20, 2007

Dangerous terrain

SO i Just got back yesterday from a road trip mobilizing for the Call ( It was an awesome trip and God moved powerfully in many places we spoke. WE went to Ohio Kentucky and Illinois, And in each place God just blessed us again and again. It was a good trip and next week i will be bringing a team along with 20 others to Orlando for the pre call. any way, towards the very end of our road trip, on the way back actually, Our radiator hose bursts. Now we were driving a shuddlebus, so the hose runs inside the bus and fluid spilled out onto the floor getting stuff soaked, it was one in the morning and everyone was exhausted. After fixing the hose and mopping the bus out we got a hotel. So we thought was good. However, on the way back through the mountains from Tennessee into north Carolina a semi pulls out in front of us from the shoulder, and another semi is on our left so we have no choice but to hit the one in front of us...but we dont, Last minute the semi on the left passes and Evan brown and his nascar skills evades the truck by a quick jerk into the left lane missing the truck by less than two feet. Thank you Evan your my hero lol, well I'm still alive and God Is doing awesome awesome things. I am going to try and do a news letter soon,
God bless

1 comment:

RhondaPants said...

Yes, thank you Evan Brown. I think I still have adrenaline going from that. What a trip!