Twitter / levidavid

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

to the ladies

To the ladies:

Stay classy, not trashy and if you trash he with FOUR LETTER explitives you have lost yourself. Beauty is not given it is won, not like a prize to gloat over or a trophy to show but like the hostage you delivered. Jealousy is bitter, draining the dregs of treason to season the dull taste of love. Love love love LOVE like a fire that keeps the heart alive in the middle of a world frozen by winter. It is NOT the fairy tale, unless you make it a tale to be held in the same regard as fairies...never existing. Stop running and start sitting, the chase is not fitting for the hunchback of soul. Be whole, and giving a thousand broken pieces is not the way to keep them close, shatters will shatter and the shattered leave blood spatters spelling out the letters F-A-I-L-U-R-E. If he chases will you run? And if he runs will you follow? All of you not a just the What fell from the last cloud 9 love drunk wine soaked adventure. Keep believing in dreams.

Friday, June 4, 2010

here it goes again...for the first time

Here it goes again...for the first time
Like a thousand flying feathers
Pouring out from beneath my chest
Like words pouring from the pen
I saw you, before I saw you
And now these same words
May lead me to see you no more
Because honestly
I just need to be honest…

The poets words, sank the arrow
Coincidence or purpose, I don’t rightly know
Shaking hand, holding crumpled paper
Lines recited in Latin’s child
I knew then, like I know now
That what I would know
Was not up to me…

Cold hands stealing breaths,
Lips poised to speak but stand crippled
By a sacred silence
Where more is spoken by a look
Than in a word
Be my sacred silence…